Dr. Janet M. Bieschke
What’s left to say when you are one step from walking away from everything and everyone you’ve ever loved? Do you know someone who has so little time left? Can you help them find closure? What do you say? How do you even begin? How do you address the sensitive issues? Should you? Can you?
Try these word tools when you are looking for healing life-closure for the one that means everything to you. The magic is that these words work with ease to heal both the giver and the receiver.
I’m Sorry/Forgive Me
I Love You/You Matter
Goodbye/Here are my stories
Wrapping up unfinished business is something many people never get a chance to do. Dr. Janet Bieschke, retired after decades of observing too many postal employees at all levels of the organization die daily in jobs that trapped their souls. She then found her real alignment in working as an Energy Mastery Healer, a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach and in applying the Universal Laws in her hospice and elderly volunteer work. She witnessed lives through videos, interviews and hundreds of conversations with the elderly and dying. In this book, she identifies what, why, and how everyone can both give and receive the best gift ever—These Final Stories.
Janet identifies the steps to the best conversation most people never have, and she does it in memorable fashion with many tips, ideas, and stories that will linger long after you’ve finished reading the book. This information isn’t new, but it comes with a promise that you will be inspired to take this healing energy action with your loved ones before it is too late.
When you don’t ask, you don’t get.
When you assume you know, you miss a lot.
You get what you ask for— but only IF you ask.

About the Author
Dr. Janet M. Bieschke
End of Life Coach, Dr. Janet Bieschke brings experience, knowledge, and practical ideas to families seeking guidance and comfort. Where anxieties, fear, frustration, damaged relationships, and poor communication skills have tainted the final days for the dying person and their families, Janet’s engagement brings information, guidance, suggestions, and ease in ways that allow peace, healing and closure to those approaching death and those who love and care about them.