What is forgiveness really, and why do we resist it so often? Why does it work when it works, and why does it fail? Forgiveness may be the most powerful path for creating the life of your dreams, but most likely, you have never thought of it as a way to manifest wealth—and not only that, but to experience abundance in every area of your life. Jania Aebi guides you, step by step, to once and for all heal your entire life with forgiveness, so that you can take it to a whole new level.
In this innovative approach, you will discover the well-kept secret of the four levels of forgiveness, the five most common signs that forgiveness is needed, and the top five reasons why forgiveness seems to fail.
Learn how to make your challenges work for you instead of against you. Become the person you’ve always longed to be.
There really is a whole new world waiting for you—a world of peace and joy, and of power and freedom like you’ve never known! And forgiveness is the key!
This book will allow you to:
• Understand why you need to forgive
• Learn who and what most needs forgiveness (It’s not what you think!)
• Discover how forgiving heals every area of your life
• Figure out how to make your life work at last!

About the Author
Jania Aebi
Jania is known as a very powerful and intuitive energy healing practitioner. She is gifted at helping people to better handle their lives and to get a deeper understanding of their connection with spirit.
Her experience is based on decades of study of many true teachings of the world as well as her own search and practice of ancient wisdom, mystical traditions and quantum physics.